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Lv.3: Increases base damage to 70%
Lv.4: Increases incremental damage by 50% every time "Luminous Etching" is released

Lv.3: Reduces enemy's Accuracy by 30%
Lv.4: If the "sunspot" is successfully transferred to a new enemy, immobilize the new target for 4s
Every 5s (or if the target was exiled/killed), the "sunspot" will be transferred to another enemy with the highest current Health. If the target with the highest current Health is still the same Hero, the effect will not be transferred.

Lv.3: Increases damage dealt to 150%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt to 165%
[Coronaloop] Extends the auto-attack to do equal damage to nearby enemies
[Solar Flare] If the targeted enemy does not hold "Scalding Sunspot," it will be transferred to them
[Solar Wind] Terrorize the target for 8s (Terrorize: target cannot release their Ultimate)
Every time she receives an enemy Attack which equals less than 25% of her max Health, one mirror will be unlit by reflecting the damage and dealing it to its source.

Lv.3: Every 16s, the 4 mirrors will be re-lit
Lv.4: Every 12s, the 4 mirrors will be re-lit