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Lv.3: Resets the Cooldown of "Mummy Commander" instantly
Lv.4: Lasts for 10s

Lv.3: Reduces the Crit Chance of backline enemies by 30%
Lv.4: Reduces the Crit Damage of backline enemies by 40%

Lv.3: Every 5 times the mummy attacks, the enemy's Crit Chance is reduced by 1%. This effect can be stacked 10 times
Lv.4: Every 5 times the mummy attacks, the enemy is stunned for 1s

Lv.3: For every mummy on the field, the damage taken by Anubis is reduced by 10%
Lv.4: Reduce all ally Heroes' (besides Anubis) damage taken by 3.5%