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Lv.3: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, extra Attack is increased to 75% of King Arthur's base Attack
Lv.4: The duration of Summit of the Round Table is extended to 10 seconds.

When releasing this Ultimate, King Arthur initiates the Summit of the Round Table for 8 seconds. During this time, all allied units gain a 15% increase in Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance. Additionally, Critical Damage to allied units is capped at 55% of their current health, and the Critical Chance of all enemy units is raised by 50%.
If King Arthur is in the "Excalibur Unleashed" state when releasing this Ulimate, all allied units receive an additional extra Attack based on 50% of King Arthur's base Attack, and Razor Flurry is guaranteed to deal Critical Damage.
King Arthur cannot change states during the Summit of the Round Table.

Lv.3: Reduces the interval to 21s before "Excalibur Unleashed" can be triggered again.
Lv.4: Reduces the interval to 18s before "Excalibur Unleashed" can be triggered again.

Lv.3: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, the reduction of his damage taken is increased to 35%.
Lv.4: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, Breakthrough is increased to 30%.
In the "Excalibur Unleashed" state, he gains a 15% boost to Breakthrough. Instead of inflicting the stun effect, deal extra damage equal to 120% of his Defense.

Lv.3: The damage dealt in "Excalibur Tamed" state is increased to 55% of his Attack. The damage dealt in "Excalibur Unleashed" state is increased to 85% of his Attack.
Lv.4: The damage dealt in "Excalibur Tamed" state is increased to 60% of his Attack. The damage dealt in "Excalibur Unleashed" state is increased to 90% of his Attack.
While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, King Arthur slashes forward, unleashing a tempest of energy that strikes a single enemy unit, dealing 75% of his Attack for 5 times and slightly knocking back the target over 2 seconds.