.Ultimate. Aegis of Light Lv.2: Allies recover Health while the shield is active (recover 1.5% of the target's max Health every second)
Lv.3: The shield absorbs damage equal to 350% of Athena's Attack
Lv.4: Recover 2% of allies' max Health every second
Athena beckons Holy Light to generate shields for all allies which can absorb damage equal to 300% of Athena's Attack for 8s.
Lv.2: For every target hit, Athena recovers 10% of her max Health
Lv.3: Deals 250% damage
Lv.4: For every target hit, Athena recovers 12% of her max Health
.Active. Victorious Pierce Athena throws the Spear of Victory, dealing 200% damage to all enemies directly in front of her.
.Active. Light of Athens Lv.2: Deals 160% damage
Lv.3: Stuns enemy for 3s
Lv.4: Beam has 50% chance of targeting an additional enemy
Athena summons a beam of sunlight, dealing 130% damage to the enemy with the highest Attack and stunning them for 2s.
.Passive. Holy Protection Lv.2: Blocks damage for 2.25s
Lv.3: Hit Energy Recovery increases by 75%
Lv.4: Blocks damage for 2.5s
Aegis blocks all damage to Athena for 2s, reducing it to 1. During this time, increase Athena's Hit Energy Restoration by 50%. This effect can only be used once every 8s.
ATHENA Athena the Goddess of War has purity of mind and an unwavering commitment to her cause and purpose. She will stop at nothing to serve and protect her people.
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