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Lv3: Increases damage dealt by final attack to 400% Attack Damage
Lv.4: When the Ultimate causes damage, you will gain an additional 1 stacks of [Treble] Tones
While stealthed, Bastet can't be targeted.

Lv.3: The base damage dealt is increased to 190% of Attack
Lv.4: The base damage dealt is increased to 205% of Attack

Lv.3: Stun duration is extended to 2.5s
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt to 300% of Attack

Lv.3: Bonus damage increased to 7% of max Health
Lv.4: When consuming Tones, Bastet's healing based on lost Health is increased to 7.5%
Each Tone can have a max of 15 stacks.