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Lv.3: Increases the damage to 700% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 800% of Attack

When using this skill, Da Vinci proceeds with Sketching all targets affected by [Dye]. During the Sketching period, the targets cannot perform any action. After Sketching is completed, a summoned creature is created for each target, lasting for 10s. The summoned creatures take on the appearance of the targets and inherit all of Da Vinci's 100% attributes. They can only perform auto-attacks. When a summoned creature takes damage, all ally units recover Health equal to 25% damage taken this time.
If the Sketching target is a boss, the summoned creature appears in the form of Da Vinci himself.
[Dye]: Reduces damage dealt by 15%, cannot receive buffs, and when taking Factional Tactical Advantage Damage, increases damage received by 30%. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 345% of Attack
Lv. 4: Increases the damage dealt to 380% of Attack
If there are no targets with [Dye] on the field, Da Vinci immediately refreshes the cooldown of "Sfumato".

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 180% of Attack
Lv. 4: The proportion of restored health is increased to 65% of the damage dealt

Lv. 3: Targets inflicted with [Dye] have their damage dealt reduced to 7.5%
Lv. 4: When targets inflicted with [Dye] take Factional Tactical Advantage Damage, increases their damage taken to 10%