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Lv.3: Damage dealt is increased to 100% of the healing amount.
Lv.4: The duration is extended to 5 seconds.
If the enemy Hero is killed and the ally with "Symbiosis" is still alive, a new connection will be established with a random enemy Hero. This effect can only be activated once.

Lv.3: "Symbiosis" can now be reconnected 2 times.
Lv.4: Enemy Hero will now lose 50% of their current Health.

Lv.3: Damage dealt is increased to 18% of Freyr's max Health.
Lv.4: Damage dealt is increased to 21% of Freyr's max Health.

Lv.3: The damage dealt and Healh Bestowal are increased to 20%.
Lv.4: Accuracy is increased to 25%.