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Demon mask: Deals 350% damage
Lv.3: Human mask: Deals 630% damage;
Demon mask: Deals 375% damage
Lv.4: Human mask: Deals 670% damage;
Demon mask: Deals 400% damage
In human mask, she deals 550% damage to 1 enemy. If the target is killed, the extra damage will be dealt to all other enemies (damage ignores enemies' Defense).
In demon mask, she deals 325% damage to all enemies. If no target is killed, an additional 325% damage will be dealt to a random enemy.

Lv.3: With the human mask, deals 110% damage; with the demon mask, deals 160% damage to each target
Lv.4: With the human mask, deals 120% damage; with the demon mask, deals 170% damage to each target

Lv.3: With the human mask, absorbs 8% of the Attack from all allies but increases Defense by 30%
Lv.4: With the demon mask, absorbs 30 Energy from all allies; with the human mask, 60 Energy from all allies
If she wears the demon mask, it absorbs 5% of allies' Attack and takes 50 Energy from each.

Lv.3: With the human mask, her Crit Chance increases by 35%; with the demon mask, her Lifesteal increases by 35%
Lv.4: Additionally, with the human mask, her Attack Energy Restoration increases by 30%; with the demon mask, her Attack Speed increases by 30%