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Lv.3 The base damage dealt by the magic box is increased to 440% of Pandora's Attack
Lv.4 The base damage dealt by the magic box is increased to 480% of Pandora's Attack
Level 1: Deals damage equal to 320% of Pandora's Attack to the enemy unit with the highest Energy.
Level 2: Causes the two enemy units with the highest Energy to lose 400 energy.
Level 3: Suppresss three enemy units with the highest Energy for 4s.
Level 4: Blocks Health Bestowal for all enemy units for 4s, causing them to lose 5% of their Max Health per second during this period.
This ultimate cannot be used while the magic box is active.
Lv.3 Damage dealt is increased to 220%.
Lv.4 Damage dealt is increased to 240%.

Lv.3 The damage block duration on ally heroes is increased to 3 seconds.
Lv.4 The terrorize effect duration on enemy units is increased to 3 seconds.

Lv.3 Total additional energy provided is increased to 625.
Lv.4 Total additional energy provided is increased to 750.
Within 6s after using "Ruinous Box", Pandora restores 50 energy per second. Additionally, when Pandora gains energy in any form, an extra amount equal to 70% of that energy is provided to the ally with the highest current energy, up to a total of 500 energy.