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Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt by Sun Wukong to 330% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the duration of "Abyss of Shadows" to 10s
After releasing this Ultimate, Sun Wukong deals 300% of his Attack to surrounding enemy units and recovers 50% of his lost Health. Additionally, Wukong releases "Abyss of Shadows" at the current location for 8s. For this duration, the enemy units inside this abyss will be attacked by a shadow every second.

Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt by the second strike to 210%
Lv.4: Increases the Defense reduction to 60% after the first swing

Lv.3: Phantoms will last for 9s
Lv.4: Phantoms will last for10s
(Only 2 phantoms can be on the battlefield at one time.)

Lv.3: After receiving a total of 12 non-Crit hits, Sun Wukong increases his Tenacity by 40%. This effect lasts the entire battle
Lv.4: After receiving 21 non-Crit hits in total, Sun Wukong increases his Attack by 40%. This effect lasts the entire battle