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Lv. 3: Restored Health is increased to 30% of damage
Lv. 4: Restored Health is increased to 35% of damage
When using this skill, Da Vinci proceeds with Sketching all targets affected by [Dye]. During the Sketching period, the targets cannot perform any action. After Sketching is completed, a summoned creature is created for each target, lasting for 10s. The summoned creatures take on the appearance of the targets and inherit all of Da Vinci's 100% attributes. They can only perform auto-attacks. When a summoned creature takes damage, all ally units recover Health equal to 25% damage taken this time.
If the Sketching target is a boss, the summoned creature appears in the form of Da Vinci himself.
[Dye]: Reduces damage dealt by 15%, cannot receive buffs, and when taking Factional Tactical Advantage Damage, increases damage received by 30%. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 345% of Attack
Lv. 4: Increases the damage dealt to 380% of Attack
If there are no targets with [Dye] on the field, Da Vinci immediately refreshes the cooldown of "Sfumato".

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 180% of Attack
Lv. 4: The proportion of restored health is increased to 65% of the damage dealt

Lv. 3: Targets inflicted with [Dye] have their damage dealt reduced to 7.5%
Lv. 4: When targets inflicted with [Dye] take Factional Tactical Advantage Damage, increases their damage taken to 10%

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 700% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 800% of Attack
The Jade Rabbit cannot be selected.
When using this skill, Chang'e summons a legion of Jade Rabbits, causing targets with the [Moonlight] mark to be unable to move for 3 seconds, and dealing damage equal to 500% of Attack.
After the duration ends, 1 Jade Rabbits will remain to continue fighting, up to a maximum of 4 Jade Rabbits on the field.

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 280% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 300% of Attack
Up to 1 targets can be inflicted with the mark at the same time.
Jade Rabbits always attack targets with the [Moonlight] mark.

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 205% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 220% of Attack
Targets with the [Moonlight] mark will still take damage even if they are not within range; if a target with the [Moonlight] mark is within range, the damage taken is increased by 50%.

Lv.3: Increases Magical Resistance reduction per second to 3.5%
Lv.4: Increases the Defense reduction to 30%

Lv.3 The base damage dealt by the magic box is increased to 440% of Pandora's Attack
Lv.4 The base damage dealt by the magic box is increased to 480% of Pandora's Attack
Level 1: Deals damage equal to 320% of Pandora's Attack to the enemy unit with the highest Energy.
Level 2: Causes the two enemy units with the highest Energy to lose 400 energy.
Level 3: Suppresss three enemy units with the highest Energy for 4s.
Level 4: Blocks Health Bestowal for all enemy units for 4s, causing them to lose 5% of their Max Health per second during this period.
This ultimate cannot be used while the magic box is active.

Lv.3 Damage dealt is increased to 220%.
Lv.4 Damage dealt is increased to 240%.

Lv.3 The damage block duration on ally heroes is increased to 3 seconds.
Lv.4 The terrorize effect duration on enemy units is increased to 3 seconds.

Lv.3 Total additional energy provided is increased to 625.
Lv.4 Total additional energy provided is increased to 750.
Within 6s after using "Ruinous Box", Pandora restores 50 energy per second. Additionally, when Pandora gains energy in any form, an extra amount equal to 70% of that energy is provided to the ally with the highest current energy, up to a total of 500 energy.

Lv.3: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, extra Attack is increased to 75% of King Arthur's base Attack
Lv.4: The duration of Summit of the Round Table is extended to 10 seconds.
When releasing this Ultimate, King Arthur initiates the Summit of the Round Table for 8 seconds. During this time, all allied units gain a 15% increase in Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance. Additionally, Critical Damage to allied units is capped at 55% of their current health, and the Critical Chance of all enemy units is raised by 50%.
If King Arthur is in the "Excalibur Unleashed" state when releasing this Ulimate, all allied units receive an additional extra Attack based on 50% of King Arthur's base Attack, and Razor Flurry is guaranteed to deal Critical Damage.
King Arthur cannot change states during the Summit of the Round Table.

Lv.3: Reduces the interval to 21s before "Excalibur Unleashed" can be triggered again.
Lv.4: Reduces the interval to 18s before "Excalibur Unleashed" can be triggered again.

Lv.3: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, the reduction of his damage taken is increased to 35%.
Lv.4: While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, Breakthrough is increased to 30%.
In the "Excalibur Unleashed" state, he gains a 15% boost to Breakthrough. Instead of inflicting the stun effect, deal extra damage equal to 120% of his Defense.

Lv.3: The damage dealt in "Excalibur Tamed" state is increased to 55% of his Attack.The damage dealt in "Excalibur Unleashed" state is increased to 85% of his Attack.
Lv.4: The damage dealt in "Excalibur Tamed" state is increased to 60% of his Attack.
The damage dealt in "Excalibur Unleashed" state is increased to 90% of his Attack.
While in "Excalibur Unleashed" state, King Arthur slashes forward, unleashing a tempest of energy that strikes a single enemy unit, dealing 75% of his Attack for 5 times and slightly knocking back the target over 2 seconds.

Lv.3: Increases the Health removal to 30% of max Health when thawed
Lv.4: Increases the Health removal to 35% of current Health when frozen
If the target is dealt damage a total of 5x while frozen, the target will be thawed immediately and 25% of the target's max Health will be removed.
If this skill is used on a target immune to Control, it will remove all shields from the target and increase the Health removal by 2x of current Health. (without any freezing). "

Lv.3:Increases the damage dealt to 360% of Attack
Lv.4:Increases the damage dealt to 400% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases the per-second recovery of max Health to 12%
Lv.4: Increases the reduction of damage taken to 60%
Whenever enemy units deal damage to Ymir during ""Frozen Renewal”, Ymir reduces their auto-attack speed by 20% for 3s , this effect can stack up to 3x."

Lv.3: Increases the initial Attack Speed reduction to 18%
Lv.4: Increases the initial Attack Speed reduction to 20%
Every 6s of battle, the Attack Speed reduction effect will upgrade 1 time(s), with each upgrade increasing the Attack Speed reduction effect by 1%.
This effect cannot be dispersed."

Lv.3: Increases the number of "Tinders" to 12
Lv.4: Increases the number of "Tinders" to 14

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 300% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 325% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 260% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 280% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases the damage to 280% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage to 300% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases damage dealt by Demon Lord to 360% of Attack; each enemy unit will receive a minimum of 180%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt by Demon Lord to 400% of Attack; each enemy unit will receive a minimum of 200%
When the Demon Lord deals damage, the target will not gain Hit Energy Restoration, and when all of the Ultimate's Energy is exhausted, the Demon Lord will disappear. The Demon Lord cannot be targeted.

Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt to 240% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt to 260% of Attack
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, all enemy units will be frightened for 3s.
[Frighten]: Causes the enemy to retreat from the battle.

Lv.3: For each ally or enemy unit on the battlefield, Oda’s Parry is increased by an additional 3%
Lv.4: Increases the damage from each slash to 10% of the target's current Health
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, the demon deals its extra damage 2x.

Lv.3: Increases target's Defense stolen to 50%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt to 260% of Attack
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, the demon deals his extra damage total to each enemy (not dispersed amongst them).

Lv.3: Increases shield’s value to 280% of Attack
Lv.4: During "Power of Asadal," Dangun's Hong/Ik stamp interval is reduced to 1s

Lv.3: Reduces the interval between stamps to 2.2s
Lv.4: Reduces the interval between stamps to 2s
[Ik-Hong-Ik] "Spring Rain": In the area where allies are densest, rainfall recovers allies' Health equal to 80% of Dangun's Attack every second for 5s.
[Hong-Hong-Ik] "Gale": One frontline ally disperses all their debuffs, gains immunity to control, and increases their Lifesteal by 50% for 6s.
[Hong-Ik-Ik] "Collapsing Mountain": Increases the damage dealt by active skills by 25% for 3 random allies for 5s.
[Ik-Ik-Ik] "Fertile Soil": All allies reduce their damage taken to 1 for 2s.
[Hong-Ik-Hong] "Agnifire": In the area where enemies are densest, a fire spot appears to deal damage equal to 80% of Dangun's Attack every second for 5s.
[Ik-Ik-Hong] "Furious Thunder": Deals damage equal to 200% of Dangun's Attack to an opponent and nearby enemies and stuns them for 5s.
[Ik-Hong-Hong] "Thin Clouds": The two enemies with the highest Energy have their Attack Speed reduced by 40% and lose 60 of their current Energy every second for 4s.
[Hong-Hong-Hong] "Shocking": The enemy with the highest current Health ratio loses 30% of current Health as True Damage and reduces their Health Reception by 80% for 10s.

Lv.3: Increases the duration of both boosts to 4s
Lv.4: Increases Breakthrough boost to 8%

Lv.3: Increases the Attack boost to 30%
Lv.4: Increases all the Cooldown Reductions and Auto-Attack Speed boosts to 15%

Lv.3: Increases base damage to 70%
Lv.4: Increases incremental damage by 50% every time "Luminous Etching" is released

Lv.3: Reduces enemy's Accuracy by 30%
Lv.4: If the "sunspot" is successfully transferred to a new enemy, immobilize the new target for 4s
Every 5s (or if the target was exiled/killed), the "sunspot" will be transferred to another enemy with the highest current Health. If the target with the highest current Health is still the same Hero, the effect will not be transferred.

Lv.3: Increases damage dealt to 150%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt to 165%
[Coronaloop] Extends the auto-attack to do equal damage to nearby enemies
[Solar Flare] If the targeted enemy does not hold "Scalding Sunspot," it will be transferred to them
[Solar Wind] Terrorize the target for 8s (Terrorize: target cannot release their Ultimate)

Lv.3: Every 16s, the 4 mirrors will be re-lit
Lv.4: Every 12s, the 4 mirrors will be re-lit
Every time she receives an enemy Attack which equals less than 25% of her max Health, one mirror will be unlit by reflecting the damage and dealing it to its source.

Lv.3: Human mask: Deals 630% damage; Demon mask: Deals 375% damage
Lv.4: Human mask: Deals 670% damage; Demon mask: Deals 400% damage
In human mask, she deals 550% damage to 1 enemy. If the target is killed, the extra damage will be dealt to all other enemies (damage ignores enemies' Defense).
In demon mask, she deals 325% damage to all enemies. If no target is killed, an additional 325% damage will be dealt to a random enemy.

Lv.3: With the human mask, deals 110% damage; with the demon mask, deals 160% damage to each target
Lv.4: With the human mask, deals 120% damage; with the demon mask, deals 170% damage to each target

Lv.3: With the human mask, absorbs 8% of the Attack from all allies but increases Defense by 30%
Lv.4: With the demon mask, absorbs 60 Energy from all allies; with the human mask, 90 Energy from all allies
If she wears the demon mask, it absorbs 5% of allies' Attack and takes 75 Energy from each.

Lv.3: With the human mask, her Crit Chance increases by 35%; with the demon mask, her Lifesteal increases by 35%
Lv.4: Additionally, with the human mask, her Attack Energy Restoration increases by 30%; with the demon mask, her Attack Speed increases by 30%

Lv.3: This effect lasts for 9s
Lv.4: This effect lasts for 10s
Brown (Nuwa): Increases Attack Speed by 50%.
Red (Tank): Recovers 6% of max Health every second.
Yellow (Fighter): Increases Attack by 30%.
Blue (Mage): Increases Crit Chance and Crit Damage by 30%.
Green (Support): Restores 30 Energy every second.

Lv.3: Brown: Increases max Health by 30%
Lv.4: Brown: Increases max Health by 35%
Brown (Nuwa): Increases max Health by 20%.
Red (Tank): Increases Attack by 10%.
Yellow (Fighter): Increases Dodge by 10%.
Blue (Mage): Increases Defense by 30%.
Green (Support): Increases Crit Chance 10%.

Lv.3: Brown: Deals 140% damage
Lv.4: Brown: Deals 160% damage
Brown: Deals 100% damage.
Red: Deals 50% damage to enemies near the target.
Yellow: Stuns enemies near the target for 0.75s.
Blue: The Sky Pillar lasts for an extra 0.75s.
Green: Deals 50% extra damage.

Lv.3: Increases Nuwa's Attack Speed by 10%
Lv.4: Increases Nuwa's Attack Speed by 15%
Brown (Nuwa): Removes 100 Energy from the target.
Red (Tank): Attack 3 enemies at the same time.
Yellow (Fighter): Stuns 2 targets at the same time for 0.5s.
Blue (Mage): Recovers 12% of max Health for the weakest ally.
Green (Support): Deals 250% damage.

Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt to 110% of Attack every second
Lv.4: Increases Attack Speed reduction to 50%

Lv.3: Increases the chance of auto-attack bouncing to 70%
Lv.4: Increases the chance of auto-attack bouncing to 75%

Lv.3: When the clone disappears, it deals 170% of his Attack as damage to nearby enemy units
Lv.4: Reduces the cooldown of this skill to 9s

Lv.3: Increases the duration of the mark on the target to 8s
Lv.4: Increases the reduction of target’s Defense to 50%

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 550% of Attack
Lv. 4: Increases the damage dealt to 600% of Attack

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 160% of Attack
Lv. 4: When the skill is completed, all targets are stunned for 2s

Lv. 3: Increases the duration of Silence to 4s
Lv. 4: Increases the damage dealt to 170% of Attack every second

Lv. 3: If her Ultimate's chanting is interrupted, she restores 400 Energy.
Lv. 4: Increases her damage reduction to 60% while chanting

Lv. 3: Increases wish's Health recovery to 60%
Lv. 4: Increases wish's Energy lost to 600
1. All enemies fall asleep for 6s;
2. Recover 50% of all allies’ max Health;
3. All enemies nearby Djinni lose 500 Energy.
[Sleep: The target is completely inactive. Whenever they are hit, the duration of sleep is reduced by 1s.]

Lv. 3: Increases the physical damage reduction to 60%
Lv. 4: Increases the physical damage reduction to 70%

Lv. 3: Increases damage dealt to 150%
Lv. 4: Additionally, hit targets lose 50 Energy

Lv. 3: Increases the chance to trigger the second blessing to 60%
Lv. 4: Increases the boost of a Basic Attributes to 15%

Lv.3: Deals 65% damage per strike
Lv.4: Deals 70% damage per strike

Lv.3: Additionally, stuns the target(s) for 0.5s
Lv.4: Deals 180% damage

Lv.3: Decreases target's Defense by 3.5%
Lv.4: Decreases target's Defense by 4%

Lv.3: Attack cannot be blocked/dodged
Lv.4: Deals 175% damage

Lv.3: Additionally, add 1 stack of "Engraving" to hit targets
Lv.4: Decreases allies' damage taken by 50%

Lv.3: Increases allies' Defense by 50%
Lv.4: Increases Yi Sun-shin’s Parry boost to 30%

Lv.3: "Engraving" decreases the target's Crit Chance by 12%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt to 160%
[Engraving]: Decreases the target's Crit Chance by 10%

Lv.3: Increases Health recovered to 80%
Lv.4: : At the beginning and end of the measuring time, any debuffs on him will be removed

Lv.3: Increases damage dealt to 240%
Lv.4: Increases damage dealt to 260%

Lv.3: Increases the Health recovery effect to 5% every second
Lv.4: Increases the Health recovery effect to 6% every second

Lv.3: Increases damage dealt to 300%
Lv.4: Increases the stun time to 3s

Lv.3: Increases Crit Chance Resistance boost to 15%
Lv.4: Leonidas' frontal damage taken is reduced by 50%

Lv.3: Attack deals 270% damage
Lv.4: Attack deals 300% damage
After, their Attack is reduced by 20% for 8s.

Lv.3: Counterattack chance increases to 30%
Lv.4: Recovers 2% of max Health every second

Lv.3: Reduces damage taken by Hercules by 60%
Lv.4: "Provoke" lasts for 5s

Lv.3: Increases the knock back distance
Lv.4: Stuns the target for 5s

Lv.3: 50% of the amount recovered will drain away
Lv.4: The drain time increases to 8s

Lv.3: Recovers 10% of max Health to allies
Lv.4: Deals 110% damage to enemies

Lv.3: The skill is effective for the next 4 attacks
Lv.4: Recovers 10% of max Health

Lv.3: Lasts for 15s
Lv.4: Reduces damage taken by 20% to nearby allies

Lv.3: Deals 65% damage per strike
Lv.4: Deals 70% damage per strike

Lv.3: Lu Bu is immune to damage during this time
Lv.4: The last strike deals 175% damage

Lv.3: Gains a maximum of 60% Physical Resistance
Lv.4: Gains a maximum of 65% Lifesteal

Lv.3: Deals 250% damage
Lv.4: This attack cannot be dodged

Lv.3: Lasts for 6s
Lv.4: Lasts for 7s

Lv.3: Stuns the enemies for 2.5s
Lv.4: Deals 300% damage
Lv.3: For every enemy hit, Joan recovers 15% of max Health
Lv.4: Stuns the enemy for 2s

Lv.3: Increases the duration to 10s
Lv.4: Increases the Attack of nearby allies by 20%

Lv.3: Deals 150% damage
Lv.4: Every stack of "Snake Poison" increases damage dealt by 35% for individual units

Lv.3: Targets 2 enemies at once
Lv.4: Deals 50% damage

Lv.3: Deals 70% damage
Lv.4: Deals 75% damage

Lv.3: Additionally, each stack of "Snake Poison" decreases the enemy's healing received by 5%
Lv.4: Deals 4% damage per second for each stack
Each stack deals damage equal to 3%of Cleopatra's Attack every second.

Lv.3: Deals 120% damage

Lv.3: Every time Hippolyta's auto-attack hits, reduce the cooldown of this skill by 2s

Lv.3: Recovers 25% of currently missing Health

Lv.3: Strike deals 750% damage

Lv.3: Deals 70% damage

Lv.3: Deals 150% damage

Lv.3: Deals 450% damage

Lv.3: Deals 250% damage

Lv.3: Deals 40% damage per second

Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt to 410%
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt to 440%

Lv.3: Increases the per-second recovery of lost Health to 8%
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt to 460% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases the damage boost to 105%
Lv.4: Increases the damage boost to 120%

Lv.3: Increases the secondary damage dealt to 255% Attack
Lv.4: Increases the secondary damage dealt to 270% Attack